Choose one of my specialties
Color - Basic
Pricing depends on brand & amount of color of color used.
Double Process Color Lightening
This service requires an in person consultation for pricing.
Full Multi Dimensional Highlight
Full head of highlights using more than one color to show dimension.
Full Highlight
Pricing depends on the amount of highlights desired.
Platinum Blonde Highlight
This service requires an in person consultation for pricing.
Partial Highlight
Partial highlight includes top & sides
Face Frame Highlight
Brazillian straightening
Smoothing/straightening to reduce curl/wave pattern, eliminates frizz, locks in shine, reduces blowdry/styling time bu up to 50%. Services lasts approx 9-10 months.
Smoothing Treatment
Smoothing treatment will lock in color, reduce frizz, increase shine & manageability, reduces blow-dry/styling time by 40%. Lasts approx 2-3 months.
This service requires an in person consultation for pricing.
Color & Full Highlight
Base color
Conditioning Treatment - Luxury
Reconstructing conditioning treatment that includes hot towel & 10 minute scalp massage.
Conditoning Treatment Express
Color - Mens Reshade
Semi-permanent color to blend grey. Can be added to haircut service 5 minutes at the shampoo bowl.